Wateronmars is an Italian innovative startup founded in 2016, developing strategic data-driven projects for entities such as brands, multinationals, NGOs and political parties. The agency uses a proprietary technology, Metatron Analytics, which allows it to listen and analyse the network and social media to obtain the information on which to base the strategic activities of a project. Each project is unique and modelled on the client’s specific needs, starting from the setup of its system listening, to the analysis, to the structuring of a plan of strategic actions and their management.
Every decision, whether it concerns a promotional objective, a political campaign, the defence of a reputation, the structuring of a brand experience, must be based on the analysis of data so that these actions can prove truly effective, this is the great advantage that digital today offers over the past.
The evolutions in the areas of network and social listening, Big Data analysis, OSINT and Digital Intelligenceare
a daily challenge: each new opportunity implies research, study and development. Depending on the customer and the sector, the needs change and the approach to the development of analysis systems must also change. That is why we have experts working daily to improve and adapt our Metatron Analytics system to new issues in every aspect, both quantitative and qualitative, from code to data visualisation, through language semantics, netnography and design thinking.

Alex Orlowski
WOM Co-Founder,
Metatron Analytics
Research and Development

Jenny Paita
WOM Sole administrator
& Co-Founder
The advent of digital has profoundly changed political communication. The scenarios where an election campaign takes place today have profoundly changed and the boundaries have expanded to acquire a global dimension. Managing an election campaign today requires the important support of the analysis of discussions on the web, on social media and with respect to official press reports. The contribution of the analysis on a daily basis allows the agency team to shape the communication strategy of an election campaign, activating consensus, with the timing and pace imposed by digital.
Wateronmars works to introduce perceptual change to people and stakeholders using digital channels. This allows us to reach very large audiences, monitor in real time and collect data useful for the constant optimisation of our work. Starting with listening activities and analysis of existing data, we outline:
- clear objectives
- well-defined audience segments
- quality, clear and effective content
- user engagement and retention strategies
- project roadmap and timeline
- criteria for evaluating and measuring results
A brand can have a life of its own away from the control of the parent company. It can be plagiarised, instrumentalised or commercially exploited by third parties around the world without authorisation.
By activating our listening tools, we can identify all these phenomena and counter them by appealing to the copyright or terms and conditions of the platforms involved.
Another important aspect concerns bad marketing practices that can lead to a negative image return. Buying fake followers or investing badly in social media can lead to very low quality audiences that not only do not generate quality engagement but also pollute the data and damage business intelligence capabilities.

A software designed to take data gathering and analysis to the next level.
With the speed at which information propagates digitally, reputation for a company or an institutional or political entity is crucial. Using our listening systems, we monitor topics and related discussions on social media, from the most popular to the most vertical or widespread in a specific country; forums, blogs and news and online sales platforms, in order to detect any issues and respond appropriately.
Any campaign on digital channels depends on data. The platforms themselves provide metrics of various kinds, but often the most important data is missing: the target audience. Be it social or search engines, we always have to deal with partial data and metrics that give information on the performance of our actions without justifying it.
Relying on an agency with years of experience in digital marketing and which has developed an extremely ductile analysis system that can be linked to Salesforce and cross-references countless analytics, means adding greater levels of knowledge and awareness to existing campaigns and strategic planning
Our tools allow us to collect and analyse a vast amount of data on users and their behaviour, which is then used to segment the audience in a highly detailed manner. Inbound and outbound are concepts now close to obsolescence, and are giving way to highly targeted strategies with much higher conversion rates such as Buyer Personas and psychographic models.
Starting from the monitored channels, social or web, and from the audiences we are going to analyse, we can recompose the profile of the ideal buyer of a brand or a specific product. We will then have the demographics of current and potential customers, which will allow us to sharpen our targeting in an extremely efficient manner. From these segmentations and by applying statistical predictive tools we are also able to outline the psychographic profile of current and potential customers: interests, values, behavioural traits and more.
Mapping your audiences in detail allows you to build a complex and inclusive touchpoint system that can explain the path to conversion or user retention. By cross-referencing audience data with customer journey tracking, we are able to have structured funnels with a higher level of detail that help us maximise CPC or content strategies, increasing both the effectiveness and efficiency of ongoing campaigns.
With its social performance analysis system, Wateronmars, offers social media communication strategies on a periodic basis with the aim of increasing the value of the most important KPIs such as Reach and average engagement data, but above all with the intention of increasing the organic form and engagement of a Brand's or other entity's community.. In addition to analysing the classic KPIs on all the main social instances of a client, it also creates benchmark analyses, performance per publication topic, produces a periodic predictive analysis of performance based on the median value of publication topics, produces percentage deltas in comparison with the previous period or any time frame one wishes to compare, on KPIs that also concern the performance of video content and stories, and tracks post comments to define sentiment.
With the great popularity that social media have reached today, there is a tendency to make extensive use of influencers for promotion purposes. However, the choice of an influencer is anything but a foregone conclusion, especially when one considers that the influencer's only yardstick is the number of followers. Wateronmars is able to assess an influencer's true conversion capacity by assessing the quality of followers, i.e. not only how many are real and how many are suspected, but above all how many are on target for a given product being promoted.
In order to choose suitable influencers or to assess the quality of choices already made Wateronmars offers the possibility to produce audits on them. Often one encounters influencers with profiles inflated by fake followers or bots, collected with follower boosting systems that are nowhere near 'in target' and are therefore of no interest for corporate marketing. Similarly, a very famous influencer may have a large audience with a good percentage of real followers, but segmented in a varied way and only a small proportion of followers are actually of interest. A special audit can reveal whether the engagement of a particular influencer was the right choice for ROI.
In the era of information disorder where organised groups operate to destabilise public opinion and democracy, our OSINT and ethical hacking experts produce investigations into phenomena such as hatespeech, polarisation, direction and behind-the-scenes narratives of a disinformation strategy, and by applying agency Big Data Analytics they are able to give impact and propagation numbers. In this way it is possible to map the dissemination of content and trace its origin so that the motives and purposes of any organised operations are also clear and the message demystified.
Wateronmars, in addition to providing data and information, carries out validated and court-ready digital forensic expertise and provides legal advice with the support of experienced digital lawyers. Any anomalous online activity taking place on the web, deepweb or darkweb, including social media, can be the subject of our forensic expertise.